08 July 2008

Confessions of a semi-sane cat lady

I can't help it. I took in 5 babies, about 4 weeks old. There were 6, but one of them had a diaphragmatic hernia and was drowning in its own secretions, so they put him down last night. Thank goodness I didn't have to deal with that though.

I've got 5 babies and one 3 month old kitten, who seems a little irritated that there are all these other cats in HIS house.

So kittens, as a lot of people know, get roundworms from their mama's milk. These worms hatch and attach themselves to the kitten's (or cat's)intestine...ya gross I know. What's even MORE horrible is that when we give them de-wormer...the wormies have to go somewhere...and that's out. And guess who gets to clean it up??? You betcha, the nanny. Which just so happens to be my job. It's seriously disgusting. Up until today, they have been dead when they have come out...which is common. However, I have seen many a live worm today and it's all I can do to not vomit. I have a very strong stomach but this is disgusting. I've also had to pull them out of their butts...so I'm very anxious for the day when all of the worms are gone!!!

Okay now that you're grossed out, I'll let you look at the cuties. Some are blurry because I got too close with the close-up setting on my camera. I'm a terrible pet photographer...I captioned on Photobucket but it didn't translate to here. In the shot with 4 of them, counter-clockwise from the left are Lander (Richard Lemon, explored Africa), Dora (the explorer...duh), Pike (Americas explorer), and Cortez (Spanish explorer) and then the black and brown one with Gin (who is NOT photogenic at all!) is Ponce (another Spanish explorer, first to go to Florida)...uh ya, that's them.

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04 July 2008


YA...I did it! YAY! I is a real nurse now.

Some guy at work from night shift saw me in the nutrition room and looked at me all funny and was pretty much like, "what...who are you? A new CAP (nurse assistant)...?" I stand there dumbfounded and before I can get anything out he looks at my badge and all shocked says, "Oh you're a nurse...!" and I'm all, "ya I'm new" and I asked him how to make an ice pack and ran away. It was awkward but that's what I get for looking 16.

01 July 2008

Awaiting my results

I should probably blog when I have my real results and not just specualtion...but I think I passed my NCLEX. Which is exciting. The hospital I work for requires the RNs to wear little blue tags that say "RN" on them, denoting our fabulous status. It's pretty sweet. I think I'm going to put this picture of Gin on my locker, because I'm awesome and everyone else has their babies. But some lady has a bunch of pictures of her bird, which I think is freaking SWEET. We're going to be besties, once I find out who she is!!!